Thursday, December 29, 2011

Short and Sweet. (Sorry! No pics this time!)

This post is about a dark secret I previously decided I would only share with those closest to me.  If you are not one of my closest friends and/or family, I have to ask you to now click the back button, or immediately go to the link I have provided at the bottom of the paragraph instead.  SO assuming that only those closest to me read this blog, I have decided that I should inform you.  Do not judge me for what I am about to reveal to you.... too harshly


As many of you know, I ventured up to a strange and mysterious land that many fear to tread just before Christmas.  It was a perilous journey to Canada where I learned the value of family, friendship.... and steamy hot LDS Romance.
Wait... What did he just say? 
That's right, you didn't read that wrong, steamy hot LDS Romance.  You may by asking, "How in the world did Bryce encounter that??" Well, allow me to inform you carefully in the next paragraph.

Okay, seriously now guys, if you aren't close. Don't continue reading because this is SUPER embarrassing. If you decide you shouldn't read, I have once again provided a link to something else equally as interesting as this post. You are more than welcome to check it out.
Click here if not close enough :)

I did not meet some Canadian gal and have a make-out session, and no, I did not even hold one's hand.  What I did do though, was read and fall in love with, Timeless Waltz, an LDS Romance novel by Anita Stansfield.  It is brilliantly mushy and uber lovey dovey.
This kid is off his rocker. Call in the guys with the white coats and have them take him away.
I am not crazy! It was actually a good read. When my grandmother brought me a box of books to read after being a bit bored while sitting at her house, the book caught my eye, and I chose to read it. (keep in mind that all of her books were romance.) I retreated to the basement of her home, and immediately delved into the world of the two lovers.  I did not believe I was going to like the book when I first picked it up, but decided to press on and see what happened. Boy was I wrong.
I fell in love with the characters, plot, and storytelling of Stansfield.  Though there was indeed one or two chapters I detested due to the fact that the main character goes back in time to meet his ancestors, I stayed up late into the night reading chapter after chapter of this marvelous book.  I found myself on an emotional roller coaster.....of... emotions.
Emotional Roller coaster of Emotions? That's it. I'm really calling the men in white now.
The Characters circumstances were perfectly in a pickle.  It had the right amount of conflict and was a good read.  I finished the 250 paged book in only two days.
Two days? If it was so good how come you didn't finish it in one day you freak?
I'm a slow reader okay?
...Anyways... I have recently been recommended another LDS Romance by Stansfield, titled, Towers at Brierly, by one of my colleagues.  I am only one chapter in so far, but I'm super excited.  It's already so good.

Now that I've shared a secret with you that is was so darkly hidden within my heart, I must ask that you keep it a secret and NEVER share it with another soul.
If it's so secret, how come you posted it online, and shared it on facebook?
Uhh....Nevermind... check out the books... they're good. Not as bad as you'd think they are.
Sure they aren't. 
Shut up.
Tehe :)

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