Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ten Minute Stream of Consciousness

Here I am sitting at my house after a short term at BYU. I made some great friends and I am very excited to see where the fall takes me. I have been very lucky to have met the people I did at the times I did. They came when I needed them most and got me through one of the hardest times of my life. Brandon Hveem, I don't know if you're ever going to read this, but you became one of my best friends very fast. I am forever grateful and always will be that you got me to realize certain things about myself that I wasn't even sure about. 

For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I'm sorry, but you're most likely not going to find out. Yes, that goes for you too mom and dad. I love you, but this is stuff that is between me and my friend. Isn't it funny how we have things like that? Things we'll tell our friends, but not our family? I don't know where I'm going with this post. I hope I don't make anyone mad by just writing. Anyways...

 I have decided that I am going to date a ton of people come the beginning of fall semester. I dated maybe one or two girls and I feel that I could have done TONS better. Unfortunately I'm kind of shy, so hopefully I run into girls who will take the initiative to ask me on a date. I'm a weird guy at times. I should probably put on the pants and just grab the girls and tell them they're going to date me. In the nicest way possible of course. 

Maybe at the end of all of this ranting and raving I'll put this all into paragraphs and somewhat organize it.. perhaps not. It's more entertaining to just have a mess.

I hope my workload isn't too bad. Six credits was a breeze and I'm praying that fall is just as easy and that I can stay committed right up to the very end and finish with fantastic grades. I'm also super excited to go on a mission. I actually wish I could go now.
 I just want to get on with the rest of my life right now. People of course will indeed tell me, don't grow up too fast, but I just want to move on and be ready for everything that is going to come. Actually, I hope people don't think that I only want to go so I can move on with everything, I legitimately do in fact want to spread the gospel and grow personally. It's not all selfish motivation for me. 

Well, my ten minutes is up. Perhaps I will have structure next time.