Friday, January 6, 2012

Begging: the decay of modern society after your hard earned dollar

Panhandlers make me sick to my stomach. I remember I was much younger, and so much more naive when one day, after exiting the mall into the parking lot with my father after a good time of father/son bonding, a grungy, dirty looking old man approached us.
"Sir, would you happen to have a dollar or two you could spare?" the man seemed honest and almost shy as he spoke, "I was diagnosed with (I don't remember what he said) and I can't pay for the medicine, it could potentially be life threatening if I don't get a hold of it soon." I looked at my dad with a smile because I KNEW my father was a good man and would always help someone in need.
"No," my father quickly stated with confidence and a small touch of anger in his voice. The man looked like he had been punched in the face. He was shocked to have register a negative answer.
"but sir, I..."
"listen buddy," my father interrupted, " I saw you here last week. You came and spoke to me about how you needed money for your child's surgery. I reluctantly gave you five dollars and was pleased with myself." the man was visibly uncomfortable and looked eager to get away.
"Either you're the unluckiest man I have ever met, or you are lying to my face." with these words the man turned and walked away. I looked at my dad shocked at what had just transpired before my eyes. He then went on to tell me about how the man had been at the mall for two weeks now. He warned me about giving money to "homeless" people. You never know who's lying, and who's telling the truth.
I have, since these past events, not trusted donating, or, giving money to Panhandlers, or even some so called "charities." how do I KNOW they aren't just dressed up looking for an easy dollar? I can't know. But what about the REAL homeless, and the real people who are taking the time to beg to survive?
I personally believe that if an honest beggar is willing to take the time to stand outside of a public area for hours on end holding up a cup for strangers to put money into, then they are fully capable to go out and find work. Some may argue that some aren't able because of the lack of professional skills, or perhaps they are physically disabled or even mentally Ill. Well, if that be the case, then tell somebody about it. Go to the police, the homeless shelter, someone who can help. Don't give them money based on trust. In these days we live in you almost cannot even trust your next door neighbor; he could be a con man looking to rob you of your money!
some may question how I would fix this problem if I were given the opportunity. Well, it's simple really, make it illegal. Pass an ordinate/law that prohibits panhandling of all forms. What better way to discourage dishonest behavior then to make it illegal?
I know there will be some who don't agree with me, but I just felt that I had to get my opinion out in the open. If someone is in genuine need, they will seek out help where it can best happen, such as a homeless shelter, or even the department of workforce services, or whatever that place is. If I had the power, begging would be illegal. But I don't have the power. So I ask you, before you give a dollar to the next homeless person, think about how long they have been standing in one place while they could have been out doing something of actual worth, contributing to society? Too long.

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